CMM 2011-02-13

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting

Religious Society of Friends

2nd Month [13], 2011

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business at the meetinghouse in Canterbury, NH. Friends present were:  12

The meeting began with a period of silent worship.

2.1  First Month Minutes:  Minutes of 1st Month meeting were corrected and approved.

2.2  Clock in Meeting Room:  Ministry and Counsel Committee recommends the purchase of a silent clock for the meeting room.  Various thoughts were expressed on the topic and the Meeting approved the committee’s recommendation.

2.3  Marriage Equality Letter:  NH Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality, a broad coalition of clergy, has written, signed and circulated a letter of Religious Affirmation of Marriage (see attachment).  This letter was read and the clerks asked if the Meeting would approve signing it on the Meeting’s behalf.  While we noted the language of the letter is not language we would have written, the Meeting approved.

2.4  Allah Prayer Group:  Members of the Meeting have attended the Allah Prayer Group on several occasions.  During a period of vocal religious intolerance, when asked by our co-clerk what the group might need from the Meeting, their Imam, replied “We need a better place to worship.”  The Meeting shared feelings about the role of women in the Muslim faith, as well as issues around religious intolerance.  Friends agreed that we would welcome the opportunity for closer association with this faith community, including the possibility of renting to them, and will seek opportunities to address religious intolerance in our region.

2.5  Property Committee:  The Meeting will have approval over any regular long term use of the facility and asks that this point be incorporated in the policies the Property Committee recommends to the Meeting.

2.6  Budget Committee Report on the Operating Budget:  Income to date has been almost $15,000 out of an approximate annual budget of $19,000.  The committee anticipates we will overspend the budget for heat and rent by at least $1,000.  The Treasurer needs to hear from contributors relative to how much more they intend to give between now and the end of the fiscal year (May 31st); this request has gone out by email.  Committee Clerks are asked to estimate additional spending they anticipate between now and the end of the fiscal year and to report this to the Clerk of the Budget Committee after their next committee meeting.  With this information, the committee will be able to more closely predict if income will cover our expenses this Fiscal year.

2.7  Hospitality Committee Fundraising for AFSC:  Under the auspices of the Hospitality Committee, Sara Smith will be in charge of selling fair trade Equal Exchange organic coffee, tea and chocolate as a fundraiser for AFSC.

2.8  Hospitality Budget Line Item:  The Meeting approved increasing the Hospitality Committee budget to $300.

2.9  Rise Up Singing Singalong:  Sara Smith proposes having a concert sing-a-along with the editors of Rise Up Singing on May 21st.  Meeting approves the project with appreciation to Sara.  In addition to Sara Smith, Mark Barker and Kathryn Cranford have agreed to form a planning committee.  A future Meeting for Business will decide the use of the funds raised.

2.10  State of Society 2010:  The meeting agreed to meet at 4:00 pm March 5th for the purpose of planning the state of society document for 2010.  A potluck supper will follow at 5:30.  A game will follow dinner.

Meeting closed with a brief period of silence.

Minutes accepted when signed,

Ruth Heath, Co-Clerk

Greg Heath, acting Recording Clerk

Religious Affirmation of Marriage

We, the undersigned leaders of New Hampshire faith communities, declare our commitment to marriage, our own and others’.  Among the most fundamental of human rights are the rights to love and marry the one we love and to form a family.  Our faith has called us and continues to call us to support, comfort, counsel, and for those who so choose, officiate for gay and lesbian couples as they participate in the sacred and legal institution of marriage.

We acknowledge that debate and discussion continue in many of our religious communities regarding the theological and liturgical issues involved.  We draw on our many faith traditions, however, to arrive at a common conviction: we are resolved that the State may not favor the beliefs of one religious group over another to deny any individuals their fundamental rights.  The state does not compel faith leaders to officiate for same gender marriages; at the same time the state should not prevent faith leaders from doing so if they choose.  In fact, for many of us, our religious convictions dictate that we officiate for gay and lesbian couples who wish to marry, and to deny us this opportunity interferes with our free exercise of our religion.

As leaders of communities of faith we support the current law that gives gay and lesbian couples the right and freedom to legally marry, and we emphatically oppose efforts to repeal or modify this sacred and legal fundamental right.

We sign below with joyful affirming support for those who have made and wish to make such a lifetime commitment.