CMM 2005-07-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting

Religious Society of Friends

7th Month 10, 2005

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH.  Attenders and Members present were Lois Booth (M), Jeannie Holt (M), Dennis Holt (M), Deane Kellison (A), Rich Kleinschmidt (M), Rob Spencer (M).

The meeting was opened by Clerk pro tem, Lois Booth, with a period of worshipful silence.

7.1  Treasurer’s Report:  We received the treasurers report for the 2004-2005 fiscal year.  Income totaled $12,803.82.  Expenses totaled $12,512.47.  The net gain was $291.35.  A copy of the report is attached.

The meeting ended with a period of worshipful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Ninth Month or at the call of the clerk.

Respectfully Submitted,

/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk pro tem

Accepted as the Approved Record,

/s/ Lois Booth, Clerk pro tem

Concord Friends Meeting Newsletter

Summer, 2005

Meeting for worship 10 a.m.

Merrimack Valley Daycare Center

19 N. Fruit St., Concord, NH Children welcome and cared for


  • July 31 - Quarterly Meeting at Pittsfield Meeting House.  More info on QM is on later pages.  (Directions to Pittsfield in the YM Minute Book are wrong.)  To get there: Head east on Rtes 9, 4 & 202 for a few miles past the Epsom traffic circle.  At a corner where Rte 107 branches to the south, turn to the north (left) on North Rd.  When this road crosses in to Pittsfield, it becomes Dowboro Rd, which the Meetinghouse is located on.  It is about 3 miles north of Rtes 9, 4 & 202 on the right hand side.
  • Aug 6 thru Aug 11, 2005 - New England Yearly Meeting - Smithfield, RI.  Contact our Clerk, Sara Smith, 485-4231 or see NEYM.ORG on the web for more details.
  • Oct 1 and 2, 2005 - Retreat at Camp Wilmot - theme "The Still Small Voice"

Meeting News & Notes

We have not had a regular newsletter for months. A meeting budget for 2005-2006 and several business sessions have been minuted at our Monthly Meetings to conduct business. Mailing all of these out to people who may not want to read them anyway will cost us extra postage so they are not included here. Please contact Jay Smith at JCMD7699 [at] POL [dot] NET (<Jay’sEmailAddress>) or <Jay’sTelephoneNumber> if you want these mailed to you (either snail or email)

Would anyone feel a calling to record the milestones announcements and requests for prayers that are part of our sharing after worship—and send them to the newsletter editor for publishing?.  This would not be a recording of all announcements or sharings, just those where people ask to be held in the Light or announcing their birthday, or a wedding/graduation/job change, something along those lines.  This particular form of service to Meeting would enable those absent from Meeting or those caring for children to hear important people news.  It would enable all of us to be more attentive to the joys and needs of our community and bind us closer together.  Please contact Sara Smith, <Sara'sTelephoneNumber>.

The Religious Ed committee would like to request that the Retreat Planning committee include someone from YRE.  Please contact Ruth Heath.

As most are aware through Meeting announcement period, phone tree and emails, our beloved Friend Graham Chynoweth has been suddenly stricken with lymphoma.  At present, he is doing well in the early phases of chemotherapy.  Last week, immediately following his first session, he did a lot of yard work.  Although he was very tired that night, he came to Meeting on Sunday looking and sounding quite fit and has worked at his office some each day.  He expects to attend Meeting this coming Sunday as well but he will not be going to Yearly Meeting for the first time in over a decade. His next treatment is likely to be two weeks from this Friday and may be shorter than the 5-hour visit he had last Friday as the nurse sees how his body absorbs the IV drip.

Youth Religious Ed Committee Notes:

First Day in the Fall

The Committee has begun to think about groupings for next year and it appears we may have a large Grade 5-Grade 8 (and up) group led by Ruth and Kathy, and a Pre-K through Grade 4 with Richard.  This depends upon young people present, of course.  Parents, please talk to one of us if you have a concern or idea.

Do You Have Special Concern or Interest You Can Share with our Young People?

If anyone has a topic they would like to present to the Middle school age and up children, please contact Kathy Urie or Ruth Heath.

Other Topics Discussed at the May YRE Meeting:

The Committee gave some thought to Concord Friends Meeting Fall Retreat (October 1-2) and looks forward to working with the planning committee for the retreat.

The Committee also discussed the importance of having more opportunities for adults to deepen their community and spiritual focus.  We hope some form of Spiritual Formation events might be planned and would like to share some or our ideas with the Adult Education and Community Building Committee.