CMM 2009-04-05

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

4th Month 05, 2009

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center in Concord, NH. Friends present were Jay Smith, Joanie LaBombard, Bill Noyce, David Woolpert, Penny Petkiewicz, Kate Daniels, Kathy Urie, Kathy Mercer, Mark Barker, Emily Cook, Ruth Heath, Sara Smith (clerk), Alisa Barnard (acting recorder)

Meeting was opened with a period of worshipful silence.

4.1  Minutes of the 3rd month 08,2009 meeting were reviewed and approved with the removal of Sara’s name from 3.3

4.2  Memorial Minutes.  We noted that a separate meeting had been held to approve the Memorial Minutes.  They were approved, then sent on to and approved by the Quarter.  They will be sent to New England Yearly Meeting.

4.3  Nominating Committee. The meeting approved the addition of Kate Daniels to this committee.

4.4  Transfer of property and joint use agreement with the AMTP.  Though the agreement is generally unchanged from the draft that the meeting last read, the lawyers are involved in finalizing the language of this agreement.  The meeting authorized the clerk to sign these documents upon final review by the Housing Committee.  In the event that the clerk is unavailable, the meeting authorizes the Treasurer to sign in her place.  Approved by the meeting.

The meeting reviewed the meetinghouse financial plan, some details of the final plan and how the meeting’s volunteer labor will be best put to work.  We restated our commitment to cut costs and use volunteer labor whenever possible.

The Housing committee suggests that individuals be appointed to serve as volunteer coordinators for the labor and acquisition of materials that the meeting has agreed to do on its own.

The meeting authorized the Clerk or the Treasurer to sign a construction contract not to exceed $397,400 with Building Alternatives, Inc. pending final review by the Housing Committee.  Approved by the meeting.

The meeting authorized the Clerk or the Treasurer to sign promissory notes and/or mortgage deeds for the total sum of $40,000 at 5% per annum for 15 years, pending final review by the Housing Committee.  Approved by the meeting.

Respectfully submitted 6/12/2009,

/s/ Alisa Barnard, Acting Recording Clerk

Accepted as the approved record when signed,

/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting Meetinghouse

Statement of Expense/lncome

April 4, 2009

Concord Monthly Meeting

(Meeting House Fund-Raising Needs)
Date Description Amount Subtotals Totals
2008-01-23 Bruss Construction $3,000.00
2008-03-15 Bruss Construction $2,500.00
2008-05-31 Bruss Construction $1,510.00
2008-05-31 BAI – Cost Estimates on 3 designs $3,000.00
  Total Contractor Fees   $10,010.00
2008-03-15 William Sheehan – Test pit $750.00
2008-03-15 Civi Engineer – Septic design $850.00
2008-03-15 Town of Canterbury Variance Fee $160.00
2008-03-15 Registry of Deeds – Title information $45.00
  Total Site & Government Fees   $1,805.00
2007-11-06 Architect Fees $500.00
2008-02-23 Architect Fees $4,226.40
2008-03-08 Architect Fees $175.00
2008-05-10 Site Plan $2,750.00
2008-10-29 Timber Framers Guild – Worship Space design $4,226.40
2008-10-29 Remainder of Architect Fees $175.00
2008-04-03 Fall Architect Fees $2,750.00
  Total Architect Fees   $13,751.40
2008-04-10 Bardwell – 3D perspective $800.00
2008-05-03 Sara Smith – Fundraising brochure $237.99
  Total Contractor Fees   $1,037.99
  Totals     $26,604.39
  Total Pledges & Donations by Individuals   $366,936.80
  Total Grants (Obadiah Brown)   $19,000.00
  Total Income     $385,936.80
/s/ Ruth Mobilia Heath, Treasurer   /s/ Sara Menis Smith, Clerk of CMM

Concord Friends Meetinghouse Financial Plan

April 2009

Concord Monthly Meeting

(Meeting House Fundraising Totals)
Description Amount
Fundraising Totals
  • Amount raised from gifts
  • Pledges
  • Calendar Sales
Loan from Members $40,000
Project total currently available $425,000
Additional Grants applied for $5,000
Total Funds $431,000

Concord Monthly Meeting

(Meeting House Expenses-to-Date Totals)
Description Amount
Total Expenses to date $26,740
Additional Expenses
  • Legal fees
  • Insurance
  • Building permit
Building Expenses
  • Building Alternatives Cost
  • Includes estimate of heating costs based on e-mail quote
Total Cost for Unfinished Building $429,640

Concord Monthly Meeting

(Meeting House Expenses to Finish Building after Construction)
Description Amount
Concord Meeting additional materials (approximate costs)
Trim $5,500
Paint $3,500
Flooring (depending on material) $8,000 – $13,000
Stay-mat $3,000
Landscaping $1,000
Total additional materials $21,000 – $26,000

Volunteer Labor (assumed we do this much labor- it was left out of contractor costs): $38,000

Assuming we are not able to save any more on construction costs, we will need to raise $20,000 to $25,000 to complete this project.

We hope people will help us find ways to save money on these materials by shopping for less expensive alternatives.  We hope this will save us $5000 - material costs can vary a lot.