CMM 2010-02-14

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Second Month 14th, 2010

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center in Concord, NH.  Friends present were: Mark Barker, Jay Smith, David Woolpert, Penny Petkiewicz, Grace LeClair, Lois Booth, Brian Paterson, Kathryn Cranford, Ruth Heath, Alisa Barnard (recording clerk), Sara Smith (clerk).

The meeting began with a period of silent worship.

02.1  The meeting reviewed and approved the minutes of the Meeting for Worship for Business of 1st Month, 2010.

02.2  Ministry and Counsel

Ministry and Counsel recently met for the second time.  Grace LeClair is acting as Clerk of Ministry and Counsel.  Members and attenders of the meeting are asked to be in touch with a member of the M&C committee if they have suggestions regarding individuals or topics to which members would like the committee to attend.  The committee is currently engaged in readings and worship sharing as they seek to simultaneously grow as a committee and discern how they can best serve the meeting as a whole.

02.3  Transfer of Membership

The meeting joyfully accepted Grace LeClair as a member of Concord Friends Meeting.

02.4  Concord Interfaith Council

Lenten lunches begin this Wednesday at noon at St. John’s Church on South Main Street in Concord.  These include lunch (for a small fee) and the opportunity to hear a member of the greater Concord community speaking about his/her faith journey.

The Council has issued a request for individuals to read the names of holocaust victims on Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah). Sunday, April 11th beginning at 2:00 pm.

02.5  AFSC

The meeting was asked to consider inviting an AFSC representative to speak with us; there is a sense that we would like to hear from the Youth Coordinator about her work.  The meeting is reminded that the focus of the All NH Friends gathering on May 22nd will also be the work of NH AFSC.

02.6.1  Budget Update

To date, the meeting has been operating with a FY 09-10 budget that was largely a copy of the FY 08-09 budget and reflected an anticipated move to the new meetinghouse in January.  The meeting reviewed the FY 09-10 budget and was asked to approve a new FY 09-10 budget (6/1/09-5/31/10) that reflected the start of some meetinghouse operating expenses on March 1st.  The meeting also reviewed and discussed the most recent Annual Meeting House Operations Budget which reflects both anticipated costs and the amount already spent on meetinghouse operating costs.  The meeting is making a shift toward thinking about a budget that is accrual rather than in strictly cash terms.  Making adjustments to the meeting house operating budget that reflects an accrual approach (in regards to wood pellets, insurance, and supplies) would subtract about $1,750 from the Meetinghouse Operating Budget.  The meeting approved a budget for $13,873 and agreed to review the budget again at the next meeting for worship for business.

02.6.2  Potential Budget Shortfall

Members discussed concerns about a potential budget shortfall.  The Treasurer will review and follow up on pledged donations.

Friends engaged in a brief discussion regarding the possibility of alternative meeting locations that would allow us to save money.  Ministry and Counsel, and Friends in general, are also asked to consider and weigh the comfort of all attenders of the meeting in regards to a proposal that we meet for First Day worship in private homes for a finite period of time between leaving the Merrimack Valley Daycare Center and occupying the new meetinghouse.

Ministry and Counsel and the Housing Committee are asked to consider the pros and cons of moving into an unfinished meetinghouse.

The meeting briefly considered a proposal to make a contribution to NEYM in the near future rather than waiting until the end of the fiscal year; the meeting did not make a decision and will hold off decision-making until next month when our finances may become clearer.


Respectfully Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk   /s/ Sara Smith, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

PROPOSED BUDGET 2008 - 2010 : 2/13/2010

Proposed Fiscal Year Budget - 6/1/09 to 5/31/10
  Last Fiscal Year

Current Fiscal Year (6/1/09-5/31/10)
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget vs. Actual Approved Last Year Budget Actual Last Year Amount 9 Months Thru 2/28/09 3 Months Thru 5/31/09 Total Proposed Budget Amount $ Difference With Last FY
General Donations $11,169 $11,650 $8,299 $7,207 $15,506 $3,856
Interest Income 0 17 $13 $4 $17 $0
Meeting House Rental 0 0 $0 $100 $100 $100
In-kind Contributions 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Literature Donations 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTAL INCOME $11,169 $11,667 $8,312 $7,311 $15,623  
Concord Monthly Meeting Activities
Adult Education Committee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Finance Committee 15 9 $15 $5 $20 $11
Housing Committee 0 1,015 $0 $0 $0 ($1,015)
Library 50 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Ministry and Council Committee 100 42 $56 $19 $75 $33
Peace & Social Concerns Commits 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Religious Education Committee 50 0 $75 $25 $100 $100
Advertisements & Phone 1,100 962 $675 $225 $900 ($62)
Newsletter 65 0 $15 $5 $20 $20
Refreshments 25 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Miscellaneous 50 11 $38 $13 $50 $39
Rent 4,584 4,584 $3,438 $1,146 $4,584 $0
Meeting House Costs 0 0 $0 $4,825 $4,825 $4,825
Insurance 330 300 $310 ($181) $129 ($171)
Retreat (net) 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Meeting Activity Expense $6,369 $6,923 $4,622 $6,081 $10,703 $3,780
Support of Other Meetings and Groups
Concord Interfaith Council $50 $50 $38 $13 $50 $0
Dover Quarterly Meeting 50 50 $38 $13 $50 $0
NEYM - General Support 3,000 3,000 $2,250 $750 $3,000 $0
NH Council of Churches 50 50 $38 $13 $50 $0
Other Support
AFSC - NH 600 600 $525 $175 $700 $100
AFSC - National 200 200 $150 $50 $200 $0
Friends Camp (Maine) 310 310 $233 $78 $310 $0
FCNL 100 100 $75 $25 $100 $0
FWCC 50 50 $38 $13 $50 $0
NEYM - Equalization Fund 150 150 $113 $38 $150 $0
The Meeting School 260 260 $195 $65 $260 $0
Total Support of Other Meetings and Groups $4,820 $4,820 $3,690 $1,230 $4,920 $100
TOTAL EXPENSE $11,189 $11,743 $8,312 $7,311 $15,623 $3,880
NET GAIN (OR LOSS) ($20) ($76) $0 ($0) ($0) $76

Prepared by David Freeman-Woolpert, Clerk, Finance Committee

Annual Meeting House Operating Budget

Expenses Per Year 3/1/010 to 5/31/2010  
Heat: Wood pellets - 3 tons maximum for super insulated building $1,000 $800  
Electricity: Average of various residential costs adjusted for less use per week $500 $325  
Snow Removal: 10 plows per year at $100 $1,000 $725  
Insurance: Quote from Church Mutual Insurance Company $1,200 $1,200 500
Maintenance: For electrician, plumber, heating system repair, etc. $500 $0  
Supplies: Toilet paper, paper towels, eating and First Day School supplies $300 $200 50

Telephone: Line $35/mo. for answering machine and regular use

Private warning service re: low heat





Mortgage Payments: $40,000 at 5% over 15 years $3,796 $1,265  
Replacement Reserve: 0.2% of building construction cost per year $1,000 $250  
Total Annual Costs: $9,716 $4,825  
Prepared by David Freeman-Woolpert