DQM 2013-06-30


Attending at North Sandwich Friends Meetinghouse in North Sandwich, NH

30th of Sixth Month 2013

Presiding Clerk: Marian Baker Recording Clerk: Sara Hubner

Dover Quarterly Meeting met at North Sandwich on Sixth Month 30, 2013. Present were: Arnie Alpert, Jay Smith, Virginia Barker, and Mark Barker from Concord; Gary Benoit and Sara Hubner from Gonic; Betty Straw and Marian Baker from Weare; and Nancy Moore, Luisa Facciolo, Susan Wiley, Jane Goldthwaite, and Gloria Hoag from North Sandwich.

Following a generous potluck lunch, we gathered for Meeting for Business.

2013-06.1  A Memorial Minute for Betty Ann Towle, late of Dover Monthly Meeting, was read. Because Betty was not active at the Yearly Meeting level, the minute will not be forwarded to Permanent Board.

2013-06.2  Minutes from the previous meeting were not available.

2013-06.3  The Treasurer's Report also was not available.

2013-06.4  A Travel Minute for Marian Baker was read and endorsed by the meeting.  She has received two grants in support of her travel in Africa: one from Earthcare Witness for planting trees in Uganda, and one from the Susan Bax Fund.  Marian will return to Kenya in the fall to continue assisting Kenyan women to travel among Friends in other parts of their country and in Uganda and Tanzania.

2013-06.5  Doctrine of Christian Discovery

Mark Barker that Concord meeting has revived its Peace, Social, and Earthcare Concerns committee and held a workshop on Sixth Month 9, about the Doctrine of Christian Discovery.  Mark shared with us some of the information from the workshop.  There will be a workshop on the topic at Annual Sessions in August, and a draft minute will be brought to business meeting at that time.

AFSC has an informative brochure about the Doctrine, and further information can also be found at: www.Tonatierra.org/. www.DoctrineOfDiscoveryForum.blogspot.com, and www.DoctrineOfDiscovery.org.

Following further sharing, the following minute was APPROVED:

Two of our largest meetings held workshops about the Doctrine of Discovery and brought the issue to Dover Quarterly Meeting for consideration, informing Friends that the concern will be brought to Yearly Meeting in Annual Sessions in August.  Dover Quarterly Meeting encourages Yearly Meeting Friends to continue working on this concern and develop materials to help Friends discuss the issue with legislators and others.

2013-06.6  Death Penalty Opposition

Arnie Alpert shared briefly about efforts to end the death penalty in New Hampshire.  This is the only state in New Hampshire which still allows capital punishment.  The following minute was APPROVED:

Dover Quarterly Meeting affirms Friends traditional commitment and previous statements in opposition to the death penalty.

A repeal of the death penalty was vetoed by Governor Jeanne Shaheen, but new legislation is currently under study.  Governor Maggie Hassen has indicated her willingness to sign into law a bill to end capital punishment.  A campaign is gearing up to get legislative support.

Arnie Alpert and others are available to address gatherings.  The N.H. Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty sponsors a faith initiative that meets monthly, usually in Manchester at the Roman Catholic Diocese.

2013-06.7  Other News

The clerk reported that Dover Monthly Meeting has passed a minute committing the meeting to divest from petroleum-related industries; however, no one from Dover was present to bring the minute to us.

The clerk reported that Gladys Kangahi and Zirah Amukuzi will be visiting from Kenya in July after the USFW International conference, and will be available to visit meetings.  Also, Emma Condori of the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund will be at Sessions in August and will be available to visit meetings in the week after Sessions. Friends should contact the clerk to arrange visits.

Mark Barker reported that he attended a corporation meeting at Beacon Hill Friends House for the first time, and that the House is doing much better financially and has received a tax abatement.  The community is much more stable. However, the building is in need of a lot of maintenance and repair.  They have $130,000 on hand, but $40,000 of that has already been committed for purchasing and installing a new boiler.  They need $400,000 for brick re-pointing and window rehabilitation.

Sara Hubner announced that she is now working 8 hours a week as the new Information Management Assistant for NEYM.

Marian Baker reported that Right Sharing of World Resources visited at Weare.  The organization is making micro loans to individual women in groups which are collectively responsible for making sure the loan is repaid.

2013-06.8  Upcoming Quarterly Meeting

Our next meeting will be Ninth Month 29; Sara volunteered Gonic Friends to host.  The program will be a follow-up of the Mid-Year Gathering and we will listen to the recordings of the talks given by Friends from Ireland Yearly Meeting.

Friends expressed their gratitude for the hospitality of North Sandwich Friends today.

After a period of open worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet at Gonic on 9/29/13, God willing.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Hubner

Recording Clerk