CMM 2016-11-13

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Eleventh Month 13, 2016

[NB.  The following minutes were reconstructed from memory on 2016-11-13 after a technical ‘glitch’ resulted in their loss.  For corrections to these minutes, please see 2016-12-11 CMM Minutes and 2017-01-08 CMM Minutes.]

In attendance:  9 Friends

11.1  The meeting opened with a reading of #2 and #3 under Advices for Corporate Discernment from Interim Faith & Practice followed by worship.

11.2  Budget Report:  The Financial Report for the fiscal year through October 31, 2016 was presented.  Total income is $9,417, total expenses are $8,182, and net income is $1,235. There is $597 in unrestricted cash.  Building maintenance is over budget as some furnace parts have been purchased to have available when needed.  However, the electricity line is under budget as we are managing our usage more appropriately.

11.3  Group Net Metering Grant:  The Meeting received a $6,000 grant to learn about group net metering.  There is no one in the state who has done this. Some of the funds have paid for a consultant who doesn’t know all the answers either.  Two possibilities are to hire a company who will set up the panels and run the program or to set up a LLC with investors who will put in the start-up funds.  The Meeting encourages the Solar Committee to proceed as far as they wish with this and to return to Meeting with their findings.

11.4  Meeting Room Environment:  From Ministry & Counsel:  Friends are reminded that all concerns regarding meeting room temperature settings, windows, lights, and fans should be brought to Ministry and Counsel.  Please do not take it upon yourself to change any of these.  Those with concerns about the temperature or ventilation in the meeting space should speak with that day’s greeter who will have received guidance from M & C.  [See also minute 2014.6.11.]

11.5  Standing Rock Sioux Prayer VigilsNEYM is encouraging meetings to join in a November 20 prayer vigil (6:30 – 7:30 am or 6:30 – 7:30 pm) for the Standing Rock Sioux and their supporters.  Friends approved opening the Meetinghouse during these times if there are people willing to do so.

11.6  “Safe Space”:  Friends discussed the “Safe Space” concept and sent it to Ministry & Counsel for further seasoning.

11.7  Youth Religious Education Policies:  On the recommendation of the Youth Religious Education Committee, and so that we might have policies in place, Friends approved the Community Safety Statement, the Community Safety Incident Reporting Process, the Incident Report Form, and the Photograph Release Form, noting that there may be future revisions.  Comments should be sent to the YRE Committee.

11.8  The meeting closed with worship.

Submitted by

Recording Clerk,                                            Presiding Co-Clerk

Jonie LaBombard                                               Mark Barker