CMM 2017-04-09

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Fourth Month 9, 2017

Attending:  11

4.1  The meeting opened with worship.

4.2  Third Month Minutes:  Friends approved the minutes of Third Month 12, 2017.

4.3  Budget Report:  Total income for the fiscal year to date is $19,010; total expense is $18,608; net income is $402. Unfortunately, total income is at 74% while the fiscal year is 83% over.  Electricity is below budget due to our conservations effort, while insurance will be lower than anticipated.  Snow removal will be over budget.

4.4  Budget Committee Report:  Friends approved the recommendation of the Budget Committee to move the previous $980.00 purchase of replacement parts for the pellet burner from the Building Maintenance budget line to the Reserve and Replacement Reserve budget line.

4.5  Solar Committee Report:  The next application deadline for a necessary grant to fund the solar proposal is October 31.  The Solar Committee has finished their work with the lawyers, and the next step is to go back to the churches that originally expressed interest and discuss the details.  Friends expressed their appreciation to the Solar Committee for all their hard work.

4.6  YRE Committee Report:  The Youth Religious Education Committee expects that the Spring Party will be on June 11 at the Mahieus’ house in Laconia.  June Meeting for Business will need to be rescheduled.

4.7  State of Society:  Friends approved the 2016 State of Society report as posted on the website.

4.8  PSECC Committee:  Nominating Committee did not populate the Peace Social and Earth Care Concerns Committee for 2016-17. This year Nominating Committee will be contacting members and attenders to consider their calling to serving on PSECC.  The concern of the committee would be to help the Meeting become better informed about these issues and to consider how the Meeting could seek Divine guidance and witness corporately.

4.9  The meeting closed with worship.

Submitted by

Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard

Presiding Co-Clerk, Mark Barker