DQM 2018-04-29


Attending at Weare/Henniker Meetinghouse – 529 Quaker Street, Henniker, NH

April 29, 2018


10:30-11:30 a.m.  Meeting for worship

11:30-12:30  Introductions and Lunch

12:30  Meeting for worship for business

Attendance: Weare- 5; N. Sandwich-1; Concord-1; Souhegan-1; Gonic - 1

04.1  Treasurer’s Report – Muriel Farrar summarized full year report for 2017 and first quarter report for 2018.  These reports are included as separate documents with this report.

Reports were accepted with amendments.

04.2  Recording Clerk Report – Records from Dover quarter submitted to the UMA collection in 1993 are included in the collection as an unsorted and un-inventoried box of documents.  Clerk plans to attend tour of UMA Quaker Archives on June 22, 2017.  She hopes to take this opportunity to get more detail as to how to submit Quarterly Records for years 1993 to 2015.  The goal is to send records between 1993 and 2015 to collection as appropriate.  Copies of records between 2010 and 2015 will be kept locally.

04.3  State of Society Reports:

Weare:  Reported by Dick Ludders (he will send electronically).  Included as a separate document.

N. SandwichIncluded as a separate document.

Dover:  No report.  [Now included as a separate document.]

ConcordIncluded as a separate document.

Souhegan:  Reported by Erik Cleven.  Included as a separate document.

Epping:  No report.

Gonic:  Muriel Farrar gave an informal state of society report.  Will submit more formal electronically, which will be included as a separate document.

Other business:

04.4  NH Council of Churches – Legislature voted to rescind death penalty in NH.  It is expected that Governor Sununu will veto it.  Friends are encouraged to write letters to Gov. Sunni regarding this issue.  Friends are engaged in getting churches designated as Sanctuary Churches.

04.5  Future Quarterly Meetings:

July 29, 2018 – Picnic in Pittsfield. There will be no business meeting at this session.

Sept 30, 2018 – Dover Meeting

March 31, 2019 – Souhegan or Concord

June 30, 2019 – Concord or Sandwich

Meeting ended at 2:00 p.m. with a period of silent worship.

Dover Quarterly Meeting of Friends

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, Religious Society of Friends
c/o Muriel A. Farrar, Treasurer 148 Gear Road; Gonic, NH 03839
Treasurer’s Report: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017

Combined Beginning Balance: Savings, Unrestricted, and Restricted Funds: $2,312.36

1. Unrestricted Funds - Held in Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH) in combination with Restricted Funds.
Unrestricted Funds Amount Date (MM/DD/YY) Check №
Share/Savings - Holy Rosary Credit Union Membership Requirement: $5.01
Beginning Balance: $1,312.36
Expenditures (Withdrawals):
NEYM (Puente de los Amigos) -$500.00 04/30/17 ck# 416
West Epping (Rental Porta Potty) -$122.79 05/12/17 ck# 417
c/o Weare MM (Marian Baker’s Ministry in Africa) -$500.00 10/30/17 ck# 437
*Unrestricted Funds (interest earned on Trust funds reallocated to Restricted Funds) -$19.80 12/31/17  
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) -$1,142.59    
Income (Donations): (Please contact me if this is incorrect)
Concord MM $10.00 06/16/17  
Dover MM $75.00 04/26/17  
Gonic MM $50.00 08/03/17  
N. Sandwich MM      
Weare MM $50.00 01/26/17  
Weare MM $50.00 05/06/17  
Total Income (Donations): $235.00
Unrestricted Funds Ending Balance: $404.77

* Interest from Restricted Funds Trust Fund will no longer be shared with Unrestricted Funds but stay in Restricted Funds to accumulate for the use of those “in service of the Lord” July 2017. All interest earned in 2017 will be allocated to Unrestricted Funds.

2. Restricted Funds** - Held in Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH) with Unrestricted Funds.
Restricted Funds Amount Date (MM/DD/YY)
Beginning Balance: $1,000.00
Expenditures (Withdrawals): $0.00  
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) $0.00  
Income (Interest): (Please contact me if this is incorrect)
Interest Earned *Current interest balance of $14.81 will increase by $19.80 [$1000.00 invested in 60-month certificate of deposit @ 2.00%] $34.61 maturing 11/17/21
Total Income (Interest): $34.61
Restricted Funds Ending Balance: $1,034.61

(It was decided that C.D. interest earned will stay in Restricted Funds for “…the service of the Lord”

Combined Ending Balance Unrestricted and Restricted Funds: $1,439.38

Respectfully submitted,    
/s/ Muriel A. Farrar, Treasurer, Date 4/29/2018    

** Restricted Funds are the “Mary G. Morrell and Horatio S. Morrell Trust Funds. Such funds are dedicated to help ‘poor … ministers …in the service of the Lord.’”  (In the 1st Month 2000 Dover Quarterly Meeting for Business minute, the treasurer was directed to maintain $1000.00 of the Restricted Funds as “principal” in keeping with restrictions on the funds, with the remainder available for use by the Quarter.)

Dover Quarterly Meeting of Friends

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, Religious Society of Friends
c/o Muriel A. Farrar, Treasurer 148 Gear Road; Gonic, NH 03839
Treasurer’s Report: January 1, 2018 – April 29, 2018

Combined Beginning Balance: Savings, Unrestricted, and Restricted Funds: $1,439.38

1. Unrestricted Funds - Held in Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH) in combination with Restricted Funds.
Unrestricted Funds Amount Date (MM/DD/YY) Check №
Share/Savings - Holy Rosary Credit Union Membership Requirement: $5.01
Beginning Balance: $404.77
Expenditures (Withdrawals):
No expenditures $0.00    
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) $0.00    
Income (Donations): (Please contact me if this is incorrect)
Concord MM      
Dover MM $125.00    
N. Sandwich MM      
Weare MM $50.00    
Total Income (Donations): $175.00
Unrestricted Funds Ending Balance: $579.77
2. Restricted Funds** - Held in Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH) with Unrestricted Funds.
Restricted Funds Amount Date (MM/DD/YY)
Beginning Balance: $1,043.61
Expenditures (Withdrawals): $0.00  
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) $0.00  
Income (Interest): (Please contact me if this is incorrect)
Interest Earned January - April 2018: $1.68 + $1.52 + $1.68 + $1.68 [$1000.00 invested in 60-month certificate of deposit @ 2.00%] $6.56 maturing 11/17/21
Total Income (Interest): $6.56
Restricted Funds Ending Balance: $1,050.17

(It was decided that C.D. interest earned will stay in Restricted Funds for “…the service of the Lord”

Combined Ending Balance Unrestricted and Restricted Funds: $1,629.94

Respectfully submitted,    
/s/ Muriel A. Farrar, Treasurer, Date 4/29/2018    

** Restricted Funds are the “Mary G. Morrell and Horatio S. Morrell Trust Funds. Such funds are dedicated to help ‘poor … ministers … in the service of the Lord.’”  (In the 1st Month 2000 Dover Quarterly Meeting for Business minute, the treasurer was directed to maintain $1000.00 of the Restricted Funds as “principal” in keeping with restrictions on the funds, with the remainder available for use by the Quarter.)

In 7th month 2017, it was agreed that interest earned on the H. S. Morrell Trust Fund will be accumulated and available as allowed by the Fund.