CMM 2019-09-08

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Conduct of Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Ninth Month 8, 2019

[Fourteen] Friends gathered and entered into quiet worship.  We accepted the minutes of Seventh month as posted on the website.

09.1  Budget Committee.  Budget committee report was presented by the treasurer. See the attached spreadsheets

  1. of the corrected amounts for FY 2019, and
  2. of income and expenses for the first three months of the current fiscal year with percentages of the amounts we projected at the start of the year, and
  3. the balance sheet of current assets and liabilities. There were some questions that the treasurer will take back to Budget committee to find answers to clarify some things for Friends who are concerned.

The bottom-line numbers are:

  • For FY 2019, income of $26,497 with expenses of $26,824, 97% and 98% respectively of the budgeted $27,331 for the year;
  • For the first three months of FY 2020, income of $9,347 with expenses of $4,913, 34% and 18% respectively of the budgeted $27,570 for the year.

09.2  PSECC reported that they are working on a future plan for a program on mass incarceration. It was noted that there is a sign up on the Meetinghouse bulletin board for bringing food to the annual AFSC fundraising dinner and that Concord Friends usually stay after the event to help with clean up.

09.3  Ministry and Counsel submitted a written report that is appended here.  Highlights include:

  1. Several members joining in the prison ministry program.
  2. They are planning for a fourth Sunday program to discuss the Faith and Practice revision committee's proposed chapter on “Dying, Death, and Bereavement”.
  3. The clerk of M&C expressed a desire to start working on a potential minute from our Monthly Meeting on how NEYM will relate in future to FUM, addressing the decision at NEYM sessions to not continue the policy (that will end September 30, 2020) of allowing Meetings and individuals to specify that none of the funds they send to NEYM are to be shared with FUM; our consideration needs to address the underlying issue of the failure of FUM to respond to feelings that the sexual ethics portion of the FUM personnel policy is discriminatory .
  4. A clearness committee for Ruth H helped her reach clearness to participate over the coming 9 months in the Nurturing Faith and Faithfulness program of NEYM.  This will need others in Meeting to step up to cover Meeting tasks the she has carried up to now. She will also be setting up a local Faith and Faithfulness group that she will lead.

09.4  Property Committee report was presented and is appended. Discussion of the committee decision not to recommend that the Meeting acquire a wifi capability occurred. We accepted the report but note that more discernment about this may be needed.

09.5  Landscape Design Committee submitted a written report that was read by the clerk. It is appended to these minutes.

There was no report from either Youth Religious Education or Nominating committees.  No committee report was sent from Outreach, but we received a verbal report that members of the committee are working on plans to do outreach at the Concord Multicultural Festival [on September 22nd].

Meeting closed with brief worship, purposing to meet again on the second Sunday of Tenth month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Jennifer J. Smith, Recording Clerk   /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Income and Expenses - End of Fiscal Year

(100% of Fiscal Year 2019)
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses 2018-06-01 - 2019-05-31 FY 2019 Budget % Budget
Contributions  $23,870 $25,271 95%
Interest Income $742 $680 109%
Rental Income $1,645 $1,380 119%
Solar Roof Lease $240    
Total Income $26,497 $27,331 97%
Budget Committee $21 $30 71%
Hospitality $78 $180 43%
Library $0 $50 0%
Ministry & Counsel $157 $175 90%
Website Expenses $231 $280 83%
Outreach - Other $324 $260 125%
Total Outreach $324 $540 103%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $250 $300 83%
Youth & Religious Education $436 $300 14%
Total Program $1,497 $1,575 95%
Building Maintenance $518 $600 86%
Debt Service $3,806 $3,806 100%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $500 $500 100%
Electricity $1,000 $1,000 100%
Grounds $101 $100 101%
Insurance $1,792 $1,800 100%
Replacement Reserve Expense $5,760 $5,760 100%
Snow Removal $1,560 $1,900 82%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $193 $190 102%
Wood Pellets $1,597 $1,600 100%
Total Property $16,827 $17,256 98%
AFSC $1,490 $1,490 100%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 100%
FCNL $140 $140 100%
Friends Camp $280 $280 100%
FWCC $60 $60 100%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 100%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $275 $275 100%
NEYM - General Fund $5,800 $5,800 100%
NHCADP $100 $100 100%
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 100%
Woolman Hill $220 $220 100%
Total Support $8,500 $8,500 100%
Total Expense $26,824 $27,331 98%
Net Income ($327)

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2019

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet - End of Fiscal Year
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 5th Month 31, 2019    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $13,671
Money Market 101049498 $6,593
Total Checking/Savings $20,264
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $9,000
Prepaid Expense - Other $64
Prepaid Insurance $1,102
Prepaid Wood Pellets $100
Total Other Current Assets $10,265
Total Current Assets   $30,529
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $21,550
TOTAL ASSETS     $662,934
Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $9270
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $3,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,209
Special Projects
Christine / Kakamega Care Centre $568
Social Justice Fund $869
Total Special Projects $1,437
Total Current Liabilities   $11.573
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $21,893
Replacement Reserve $36,669
Total Long-term Liabilities   $58,362
Total Liabilities     $69,934
Equity     $593,000

Concord Monthly Meeting

Income and Expenses as of Eighth Month 31, 2019

(25% of Fiscal Year 2020)
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses 2019-06-01 - 2019-08-31 FY 2020 Budget Amount Remaining % Budget
Contributions $8,947 $25,150 $16,303 36%
Interest Income $0 $680 $680 0%
Rental Income $400 $1,500 $1,100 27%
Solar Roof Lease $0 $240 $240 0%
Total Income $9,347 $27,570 $18,223 34%
Budget Committee $0 $30 $30 0%
Hospitality $24 $180 $156 13%
Library $0 $90 $90 0%
Ministry & Counsel $0 $225 $225 0%
Outreach - Other $0 $355 $355 0%
Website Expenses $64 $280 $216 23%
Total Outreach $64 $635 $571 10%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $0 $600 $600 0%
Youth & Religious Education $0 $300 $300 0%
Total Program $88 $2,060 $1,972 4%
Building Maintenance $0 $600 $800 0%
Debt Service $952 $3,806 $2,853 25%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $0 $500 $500 0%
Electricity $250 $1,000 $750 25%
Grounds $0 $100 $100 0%
Insurance $472 $2,000 $1,528 24%
Replacement Reserve Expense $1,200 $4,800 $3,600 25%
Snow Removal $0 $2,000 $2,000 0%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $38 $200 $200 19%
Wood Pellets $0 $1,680 $1,680 0%
Total Property $2,911 $18,685 $13,774 17%
AFSC $391 $1,565 $1,174 25%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $0 $10 $10 0%
FCNL $0 $150 $150 0%
Friends Camp $0 $300 $300 0%
FWCC $0 $65 $65 0%
Interfaith Council $0 $50 $50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $0 $290 $290 0%
NEYM - General Fund $1,523 $6,090 $1,568 25%
NH Council of Churches $0 $75 $75 0%
Woolman Hill $0 $230 $230 0%
Total Support $1,914 $8,825 $6,911 22%
Total Expense $4,913 $27,570 $22,657 18%
Net Income $4,435

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2020

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Eighth Month 31, 2019
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 8th Month 31, 2019    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $25,667
Money Market 101049498 $2,580
Total Checking/Savings $28,247
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Expense - Other $0
Prepaid Insurance $800
Prepaid Wood Pellets $488
Total Other Current Assets $1,288
Total Current Assets   $29,535
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $50,000
Total Fixed Assets   $516,455
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $10,485
TOTAL ASSETS     $566,475
Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $615
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $3,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,225
Special Projects
Christine / Kakamega Care Centre $370
Social Justice Fund $1,800
Total Special Projects $2,170
Total Current Liabilities   $8.011
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $24,332
Replacement Reserve $25,948
Total Long-term Liabilities   $50,279
Total Liabilities   $58,290
General Fund Balance $456,815
Temp. Restricted Net Assets $96
Unestricted Net Assets $39,482
Net Income $1,795
Total Equity   $498,185

NB. The Balance Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.

Do we have the resources to support our obligations? YES

Variable Assets Less Current Liabilities and Replacement Reserve = $4,837

Current Liquidity Available
+ Total Current Assets $29,535
+ Total NHCLF Loans $10,485
Total Available Assets   $40,020
- Total Current Liabilities ($8,011)
- Replacement Reserve ($25,948)
- YTD Net Income ($4,435)

= Net Unrestricted Funds:

(if projected budget is achieved)


Ministry and Counsel Committee Report, Ninth Month 2019

Ministry and Counsel Report

to Meeting for Worship with attention to Business

September 2019

  1. Prison Ministry:  Ministry and Counsel Committee has established clearness committees which have now met with Lynda, Elaine, Heidi, and James for discernment of their callings to join in our Prison Ministry at the New Hampshire State Prison.  Each of these individuals either have already or will be be joining Rob S. at the Meetings for Worship conducted in the chapels at the Men's and/or Women's Prison here in Concord.  If other members or attenders are interested in joining the Prison Ministry, please speak with one of these participants or a member of the Ministry and Counsel Committee.
  2. NEYM Faith & Practice:  We discussed having a Fourth Sunday program on the NEYM Proposed chapter on ‘Dying, Death, and Bereavement’. We are hoping to schedule this in the future.
  3. Puente de Amigos:  Maggie Fogarty is coming September 22, 2019 to share about her trip to Cuba with Puente de Amigos.  Jackie Stillwell may also come.
  4. July Fourth Sunday:  We had a very rich sharing on fourth Sunday worship-sharing in July on “What is Prayer to You?”.  We arranged tables in a square and starting the sharing in a whole group soon after the food was served.  We will try this again in November which will be the weekend after Thanksgiving.
  5. Minute on FUM:  Sara would like to make a response but we need to start the process soon in order to go through Quarter.  Sara will write a minute and bring it back to us. Others are welcome to help draft this, to be presented to Meeting for Business at a future date.
  6. WiFi in Meetinghouse:  We discussed the need for wifi in the Meetinghouse. We discerned that this was more appropriately addressed by Property and Budget Committees.  We continue to request no cell phone or other electronic use during Worship and feel other uses are best addressed through these other committees.
  7. Nurturing Faith and Faithfulness:  Members of M and C met with Ruth and helped her reach clearness on attending the NEYM/Woolman Hill program on Nurturing Faith and Faithfulness.  We hope to support her by asking others to take up some of the many tasks she so joyfully performs for the Meeting.
  8. Friendly Eights Coördinator:  We are looking for someone to help arrange a new series of Friendly Eights.  Ruth has done this in the past by coordinating hosts and participants in finding dates, etc.

Property Committee Report, 8th of Ninth Month 2019

Property Committee Report for Meeting for Business, Ninth Month 8, 2019

Property Committee met this week and set up its framework for the year.

  • Greg Heath is Clerk and Lucy Nichols is the Recording Clerk.
  • We plan to meet every other month rather than quarterly.

Cleaning Days:  We have established cleaning days for the rise of meeting on third Sundays every other month beginning this month, recognizing that other plans the Meeting could make may preempt this from time to time.

Septic System:  This spring the septic system was pumped for the first time and we have been advised that every nine years is not too infrequent for pumping given present uses of the building.  We have been urged by the pumper to remove the apple tree that is near the tank in front of the Meeting Room.  He says that its roots will surely invade the tank and cause problems for us.  We will remove the tree before the ground freezes.

Triple-trunk Oak Tree:  We are keeping an eye on the triple trunk oak and will take it down at some point.

WiFi:  We considered obtaining WiFi for the meetinghouse, an item referred from Ministry and Counsel, and have concluded to not pursue it further at this time.

Responsibility for Spaces:  We recognize that orderliness of the Mechanical Room and attic spaces are our responsibility.  We ask that members and attenders not place items there without first consulting with the Committee members.

Heating:  Last heating season Ministry and Counsel asked that we set the Meeting Room temperature to 70°F during the heating season.  We will do that, but we plan to keep the Fellowship Room and Classrooms at 67°F until we get further input from the Meeting.

Kitchen Dish Washing Procedures:  The proper method that we ask everyone to follow is a three-sink method.

  1. Hot water and Soap,
  2. Clear rinse water warm or cold,
  3. Bleach rinse (one cap full of bleach to the sink – with a 15 sec. immersion).

We plan to place signage to assist with this. We are looking into wall hanging systems for a drip dry method for items washed with the help of Ruth Heath.

Land Uses:  We are looking into the feasibility of having a green burial site on the property and have obtained some preliminary advice from an expert in the matter.

Landscape Committee Report, 3rd of Ninth Month 2019

Landscape Committee Report for Meeting for Business, Ninth Month 3, 2019

The Committee has not met since early spring when plans were made for the current growing season.  The plantings we made are looking healthy for the most part and watering has been discontinued, at least until we hit a major dry spell.  Due to some good luck and Richard’s referral to a source of landscape timbers, we have a good supply to be able to get us through the anticipated needs.

As individuals, members of the Landscape Committee have been mulling ideas for completion of the spaces in front of the south face of our building.  There had been thought of getting more loam this season to prepare for next growing season, with the landscape plan incomplete, it feels premature to purchase and spread loam at this time.

The committee will be meeting to formalize a plan for next growing season during the fall and winter months.