CMM 2021-04-11

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Fourth Month 11th, 2021

Fifteen Friends gathered by Zoom connection and entered into quiet worship.  We accepted the minutes of Third Month as posted on the website including the last minute.

We opened with a brief period of Worship.

04.1  Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported on the most recent income and expense sheet through the end of March.

Income & Expense Summary
Total Income: $21,090
Total Expenses: $18,237
Net Income: $2,774

04.2  Finance Committee:  Jonah brought forward three issues from our Finance Committee.  We were asked to make a gift of $5,000 to Woolman Hill.  We have $4,000 in our unrestricted assets that we can comfortably donate.  We can move $1,000 from our $3,000 operating reserve by decreasing the reserve from $3,000 to $2,000.  The Finance Committee agrees that this contribution is feasible and prudent.  Friends approve this donation.

We were asked to consider the mechanics of the Asylum Seekers Support Fund (ASSF).  We were reminded that we never return donations to individuals.  One Friend emphasized the importance of the Asylum Seekers to know that they have support beyond their host families.  The Finance Committee is ready to receive donations, with a notation on the memo line of “ASSF.” 

Finance Committee brought us a draft budget and a question for our consideration, seeking guidance from the meeting on how to take this budget forward for future approval.  Two new line items were added: one for data usage in anticipation of possible hybrid meetings in the future and a second for Asylum Seekers Support Fund.  No monies were assigned to the latter; we expect that the meeting may choose to add funds to this line item.  We are anticipating $27,745 for expenses but we are reminded that last year our budged contributions were just over $25,000 but are projecting that we will fall short of that by approximately $2,000.  We also recognized that some of the budget lines are aspirational and are not always fully utilized.  The question is do we feel it’s important to bring a balanced budget and if so, what is the best way to achieve that.  Or are we comfortable with an unbalanced budget?

Friends questioned whether it is important to have a balanced budget when so many of the expenses are impossible to predict.  Would carrying an unbalanced budget make it harder for us to remain accountable for our expenses and donations?  Should we create a new budget line to account for a potential deficit?  We were reminded that we have just decided to give away 1/3 of our operating reserve.

We heard appreciation for the faithful work and transparent reporting given by this committee.

04.3  Ministry and Counsel:  A fellowship camping trip is being planned; we are asked to let M&C know of any other ideas for future fellowship events. 

Discussion has begun regarding future hybrid worship and for some non-blended worship opportunities. 

Sara also talked about the composition of the Ad Hoc working group on Right Relationship and a future zoom workshop offered by Paula Palmer called “Toward Right Relationship.”  M&C offers financial aid for this workshop if needed.  There are more workshops on this topic at Friends General Conference (FGC), which will be on Zoom again this year and offered on a pay-as-led basis.  We also can look forward to some 4th Sunday programs including some workshops recommended by NEYM on Unity among Friends, a listening session on Apology to Native Americans, and our annual outdoor party in June. 

There were no action items; the full report is attached.

04.4  Nominating Committee:  Kathy U reported that we do not have our full slate ready for today due to some recent developments.  We will make it available to the meeting the week before our May meeting for business.  Kathy U voiced her gratitude for the work of the committee and all the Friends who responded to the committee’s requests.

04.5  Property Committee:  Jennifer announced that we hope for a May 2nd outside cleaning day.  Friends are welcome to clean other days, too.  When we are cleared for in-person meeting, we will resume 3rd Sunday cleaning activities and restate the roster of people to close the meeting house after meeting.  The property committee recommends that we form a new “technology” committee; Nominating Committee will address this.  A complete report is attached.

After a brief time of quiet worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet again on the Second Sunday of the Fifth month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Heidi Babb, Recording Clerk   /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

  Budget Planning for

(Fiscal Year 2021-22)
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget Comparisons & Proposal 2020-06-01 – 2021-03-30 Budget – FY 2020-21 $ Over Budget Projection – FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
Contributions $20,090 $25,415 ($5,325) $23,920 $25,415
Interest Income $680 $810 ($130) $810 $810
Rental Income $500 ($500) $300
Solar Roof Lease $240 $240 $240 $240
Total Income $21,010 $26,965 ($5,955) $24,970 $26,765
Ad Hoc Right Relat.         $500
Finance Committee $25 $30 ($5) $30 $30
Hospitality $180 ($180) $100
Library $83 $140 ($57) $140 $140
Ministry & Counsel $63 $400 ($337) $300 $400
Outreach - Other $475 ($475) $475
Website Expenses $114 $300 ($186) $300 $300
Total Outreach $114 $775 ($661) $300 $775
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $300 ($300) $300 $150
Youth & Religious Education $9 $300 ($291) $25 $300
Total Program $204 $2,125 ($1,831) $795 $2,395
Building Maintenance $440 $500 ($60) $500 $500
Data Usage $320     $320 $1,000
Debt Service $2,855 $3,805 ($950) $3,805 $3,805
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $500 $500 $500 $500
Electricity $833 $1,000 ($167) $1,000 $1000
Grounds $100 $100 $100 $100
Insurance $1,789 $2,155 ($382) $2,113 $2,200
Replacement Reserve $3,175 $3,810 ($635) $3,810 $3,810
Snow Removal $875 $2,000 ($1,125) $1,200 $1,700
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $44 $300 ($256) $100 $300
Wood Pellets $820 $1,680 $860 $820 $1,300
Total Property $11,135 $15,850 ($4,715) $14,268 $16,215
AFSC $1,333 $1,600 ($267) $1,600 $1,600
Asylum Seekers Support        
Dover Quarterly Meeting
FCNL $150 ($150) $150 $153
Friends Camp $300 ($300) $300 $306
FWCC $65 ($65)) $65 $66
Interfaith Council $50 ($50) $50 $50
NEYM - Equalization Fund $300 $300 $300 $306
NEYM - General Fund $5,175 $6,210 ($1,035) $6,210 $6,334
NH Council of Churches $75 ($75) $75 $75
Woolman Hill $230 ($230) $230 $235
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $6,808 $8,990 ($2,182) $8,990 $9,135
Total Expense $18,237 $26,965 ($8,728) $24,053 $27,745
Net Income $2,774 $2,774 $918 ($980)

Concord Friends Meeting Asylum Seekers Support Fund

(4th Draft 04/05/21)

The fund was created for the purpose of helping to support the daily living needs of asylum seekers in the Central NH region until such time as they are able to become self-supporting.

Contributions to the fund are solicited from members of the Meeting and the general public.  Contributions are designated by notating “ASSF” in the memo portion of the check.  Such funds are accounted for separately from the Meeting’s operating budget though the funds are maintained in the Meeting’s noninterest bearing checking account.

Expenditures or reimbursements may be requested from the fund by individuals who spend funds for the support of one seeking asylum or by the asylum seeker him or herself.  Reasonable expenses for such support will not be individually identifiable when mingled within a family budget.  Food expenses are an obvious example.  Documentation supporting individually identifiable expenditures such as an invoice, receipt, or mileage log should accompany other requests for disbursement.  The person requesting such funds will affix their name and address and the date of the request to the documentation.

Types of anticipated expenses (not exhaustive): Food/toiletries, rent, legal, medical/dental, transportation, mobile phone, computer.

The fund is provisionally administered by the Meeting’s Finance Committee and the Committee asks the Meeting for further discernment regarding adequate support for this ministry.  The Committee will approve stipends when appropriate based on reasonable estimates.  Other Individual expenditures are approved by the Treasurer in keeping with Meeting financial practices.

Donors will receive timely acknowledgement of their contributions if they provide an email address.  Tax statements will be mailed in January for donations made in the prior year with postage paid by the fund.

A provision for closing the fund when appropriate is needed.  Something such as this: Should this fund become inactive for more than one year, the Meeting may choose to dissolve the fund, either by returning donations or making a donation to another group that is working to support asylum seekers.

Concord Monthly Meeting Ministry and Counsel

Report to Meeting for Business - April 2021

  1. Camping Trip Fellowship: Elaine is organizing a trip June 2-5 at Bear Brook State Park.  All are welcome but camping spots fill up fast.  We will consider other fellowship events for later in the summer. Let us know if you have ideas.
  2. Regarding the Start of in-person worship: We are committed to holding in-person worship with a Zoom option.  We discussed having an in person midweek worship (when pandemic conditions are appropriate) that would be non-hybrid to enable those with concerns about being able to be grounded with electronics present.  Lucy is willing to lead that.  It has not yet been cleared by the PRT [Pandemic Response Team].  Another option we discussed would be to have a 9:30 a.m. worship start time that could function as an extended worship option; people could enter starting at 10am worshipfully for hybrid worship.  This option did not seem to work as well as midweek, particularly in the summer.
  3. Ad Hoc Working Group on Right Relationship has lost some members.  Faith will join Sara, Mark, Jonah and Michael.  This group and NEYM is recommending that those who would like to know more about the background of the Right Relationship movement attend one of the worships that Paula Palmer is offering.
  4. Toward Right Relationship Workshops, on Zoom

    The 2-hour workshop for adults created by Paula Palmer and sponsored by Friends Peace Teams is called, “Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples.”  It begins with a participatory exercise in which we hear the voices of America’s past – the Native Peoples and the European popes, monarchs, and colonizers – and the voices that today are calling for healing and right relationship among all peoples and with the land.  The exercise is followed by a period of reflection and sharing of responses.

    There are two upcoming workshops for a general audience: May 15 and June 13.  To register, visit

    Save the date: The Towards Right Relationship (TRR) Workshop will be offered expressly for NEYM, 4–6 p.m. on Saturday, July 17, 2021 as part of our preparation for Sessions.  Registration details will follow.  If you would like to help with the NEYM workshop, a good place to start is to attend one of the general events.

    Anyone who wishes to attend can request funds from M&C through Sara.

  5. Friends General Conference (FGC) is again online this year.  They also have some valuable workshops that can be attended at a fairly low rate under a pay as led formula.  Check with them for workshop offerings, including on Right Relationship.
  6. NEYM is asking Meetings to hold workshops on “Exploring our Quaker identity using heart centered listening” and “Experiencing Unity” to ready us for NEYM sessions discussion on our relationship with FUM.  In view of the general importance of learning how to experience unity in Meeting for Business we are offering a Fourth Sunday exploration of that topic.  This will not focus on a particular topic but on how we experience unity.  We will introduce people to the Unity topic with a one-hour introductory version, “What is unity among Friends?”  This will be the topic of April 4th Sunday.
  7. Fourth Sunday plans:
    1. March: We had a “Writing Our Spiritual Journey” led by Rob Spencer. People may still submit their outlines to Rob.
    2. April: What is unity among Friends?
    3. May: Apology to Native Americans – by Ad Hoc group will do a listening session about the Apology.
    4. June: Summer Outdoors Party – TBA

CFM Nominating Committee Report to

CFM Business Meeting

Fourth Month 2021

Nominating Committee was planning to present its report of leadership roles for 2021 – 2022 this Sunday.  However, final details are not complete at this time, but the committee expects its leadership presentation to Meeting before fifth [month] 2021.

Kathy Urie, Clerk

Property Committee Report, 4th month 2021

The committee met on 4/9.  I haven't received the notes yet so there is some possibility I will have my memory jogged before we meet tomorrow and add to these notes.

We are planning to begin regular cleanups at the Meetinghouse in anticipation of the possibility of reopening for in-person M4W when temperature and COVID considerations allow.  The first scheduled cleaning on May 2nd will be outside (where social distancing, etc is easier to do).  We will have a list of things to do.  Anyone who wants to help with some of the tasks but not on that day, should contact the committee clerk, JJ Smith.  If weather makes outdoor work unpleasant that day, we will reschedule.  Regular brief cleaning opportunities after worship will be scheduled on every other third Sunday, likely to begin in May, too (provided that use of the MH is allowed by then).

Anticipating that the Meeting will decide to resume having blended worship after return to MH use, the committee asks that the technology ad hoc group become a regular nominated committee of our MM.

Once we are using the MH regularly again, we will need a rotating schedule of people who will close up after everyone has left.  Please let the committee clerk know if you can be on that schedule.  Once assigned, Friends are asked to find their own substitutes among others on the list if they find they won't be available on their next closing date.

Friends are reminded that the committee keeps a calendar of scheduled uses of the MH.  We have a policy regarding other uses of the property.  Send a request to the committee clerk if there is a use that is wanted at some time other than regularly scheduled gatherings of the whole Meeting.

J. J.