CMM Ops 2023-05-31

Concord Monthly Meeting - Statement of Operations

June 2022 through May 2023

  Jun '22 - May 23 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget
Contributions 27,591.35 27,400.00 191.35 100.7%
Interest Income 929.88 810.00 119.88 114.8%
Rental Income 1,729.00 900.00 829.00 192.1%
Solar Roof Lease 240.00 240.00 0.00 100.0%
Total Income 30,490.23 29,350.00 1,140.23 103.9%
1 Program
Finance Committee 0.00 30.00 (30.00) 0.0%
Hospitality 64.84 100.00 (35.16) 64.8%
Library 25.59 140.00 (114.41) 18.3%
Ministry and Counsel Committee 0.00 400.00 (400.00) 0.0%
Outreach Committee 189.80 175.00 14.80 108.5%
Peace & Social Concerns 0.00 150.00 (150.00) 0.0%
Right Relations 0.00 400.00 (400.00) 0.0%
Web Site Committee 147.63 1,000.00 (852.37) 14.8%
Youth & Religious Ed. Committee 176.21 300.00 (123.79) 58.7%
Total 1 Program 604.07 2,695.00 (2,090.93) 22.4%
2 Property
Data Usage 1,007.86 960.00 47.86 105.0%
Debt Service 3,806.40 3,805.00 1.40 100.0%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes 500.00 500.00 0.00 100.0%
Electricity 999.12 1,000.00 (0.88) 99.9%
Grounds 78.25 100.00 (21.75) 78.3%
Insurance 2,884.26 2,890.00 (5.74) 99.8%
Maintenance 1,276.06 1,180.00 96.06 108.1%
Replacement Reserve Expense 3,810.00 3,810.00 0.00 100.0%
Snow Removal 1,460.00 1,600.00 (140.00) 91.3%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance 149.86 250.00 (100.14) 59.9%
Wood Pellets 1,318.80 1,200.00 118.80 109.9%
Total 2 Property 17,290.61 17,295.00 (4.39) 100.0%
3 Support
AFSC 1,640.00 1,640.00 0.00 100.0%
Dover Quarterly Meeting 10.00 10.00 0.00 100.0%
FCNL 157.00 157.00 0.00 100.0%
Friends Camp 314.00 314.00 0.00 100.0%
FWCC 68.00 68.00 0.00 100.0%
Interfaith Council 50.00 50.00 0.00 100.0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund 314.00 314.00 0.00 100.0%
NEYM - General Fund 6,491.00 6,491.00 0.00 100.0%
NEYM - Witness & Ministry 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
Postage 24.14 100.00 (75.86) 24.1%
Quaker Life Magazine 72.00 72.00 0.00 100.0% 30.00 30.00 0.00 100.0%
Sunday Breakfast 147.88 150.00 (2.12) 98.6%
Total 3 Support 9,317.02 9,398.00 (80.98) 99.1%
Total Income - Total Expense
Net Income 3,882.60 1,257.00 2,625.60 308.7%

Balance Sheet Comparison FY23 to FY22

  31-May-23 31-May-22 $ Change Notes
Current Assets      
Checking *068 23,630 20,409 3,221
Granite State Cr Union Savings 10 - 10 new account
Money Market *076 6,613 6,605 8
Total Checking/Savings 30,253 27,014 3,239
Other Current Assets      
Prepaid Electricity 5,002 6,001 (999) decreased $1000 yearly
Prepaid Expense - Other - 148 (148)
Prepaid Insurance 1,738 1,643 96
Prepaid Wood Pellets 604 - 604 the bin is nearly full now
Total Other Current Assets 7,344 7,791 (447)
Total Current Assets 37,597 34,805 2,792
Fixed Assets      
Building 466,455 466,455 -
Land 144,400 144,400 -
Total Fixed Assets 610,855 610,855 -
Other Assets      
Granite State Credit Union CD 3,034 - 3,034 long term savings
NH Comm. Loan Fund 24,869 23,982 887 long term savings
Total Other Assets 27,904 23,982 3,921
TOTAL ASSETS 676,355 669,642 6,713
Mortgage Loan 6,340 9,723 (3,383) last payment will be Jan 2025
Total Liabilities 6,340 9,723 (3,383)
General Fund Balance 610,855 610,855 -
General Fund Balance - Other 561 (8,134) 8,694 from FY net gain, loan principal payments, closing operating reserve of $2000 this year
Total General Fund Balance 611,416 602,721 8,694
Temp. Restricted Net Assets      
Donor Restricted Funds      
Asylum Seekers Support Fund 37 1,760 (1,724)
Kakamega Family Support Fund 2,553 794 1,759 yard sale
Mindful Mortality 775 200 575
Social Justice Fund 303 603 (300)
Solar Grant Fund 1,209 1,209 -
Total Donor Restricted Funds 4,877 4,567 310
Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds      
Blended Meeting Technology - 183 (183)
Building & Grounds Fund - 485 (485)
Friendly Assistance Fund 950 1,000 (50)
Operating Reserve - 2,000 (2,000)
Replacement Reserve 52,773 48,963 3,810 annual increase per budget
Total Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds 53,723 52,631 1,092
Total Temp. Restricted Net Assets 58,600 57,198 1,402
Total Equity 670,015 659,919 10,096
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 676,355 669,642 6,713