CMM 2018-03-11

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Third Month 11, 2018

Attending: 12

3.1  The meeting opened with worship.

3.2  Second Month 2018 Minutes:  Friends approved the Second Month 2018 minutes as published on the website.

3.3  Budget Committee Report:  Report of Budget Committee included a draft proposed budget for FY 2019 (attached below).  The draft was discussed (including minor corrections related to labels of columns of FY, replacement reserve expenses, and a 5% increase (rather than the proposed 2% increase) in the amount provided to support NEYM General Fund and Equalization Fund).  Final budget for FY 2019 is due to be approved in May.  Committees or other persons having further suggestions or concerns regarding proposed amounts are encouraged to contact the budget committee by the end of March.

3.4  I-93, Exit 17 / U.S. Route 4 Proposed Commercial Development Traffic Safety Issues:  A report was shared regarding a proposed commercial development south of Route 4 near Exit 17.  See attached [via hyperlink] map and press release.  [See also the “Central NH Regional Planning Commission DRAFT Transportation Improvement Program FY 2019 - FY 2028”, page 15.]  The proposed project is being discussed at the Concord Planning Board’s next meeting on March 21st, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.  Concern was raised about whether or not a traffic light would be placed at the intersection of Route 4 and Old Boyce Road (which leads to the Quaker Meeting House).  Other possibilities include creation of a roundabout instead of a traffic light as well as other possible changes to various roads in the vicinity.  The meeting authorized the Clerks to prepare and send a letter expressing the Meeting’s concern regarding the current and long-standing safety related problem of vehicles exiting Old Boyce Road onto Route 4.  They are asked to express a desire for a traffic light in the near term, prior to beginning construction that will increase traffic, and for removal of vegetation blocking view of traffic on Route 4 as exiting Old Boyce Road.

3.5  Anti-racism Interactive Workshop Sponsorship:  Funding in the amount of up to $500 was approved to be spent from the Social Justice Fund to provide financial assistance requested by Maggie Fogarty, Co-Director of the American Friends Service Committee New Hampshire Program, to co-sponsor a 4-hour interactive workshop to be led by Chris Crass and Andres Mejia on the topic of “Creating Sanctuary with Anti-racism and Collective Liberation at the Heart” currently scheduled for April 8th, 2018 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Brookside Congregational Church in Manchester, NH.  Clerk will confer with Maggie Fogarty regarding the amount needed.  The treasurer is authorized to pay up to $500 as needed.  [Friends may register for the event by sending an e-mail to Maggie Fogarty at MFogarty [at] afsc [dot] org]

3.6  Changed Date for Fourth Month Meeting for Business:  Meeting approved change of date for April’s Meeting for Worship to Conduct Business from April 8 to April 15 so as not to conflict with the workshop, “Creating Sanctuary with Anti-racism and Collective Liberation at the Heart.”

The meeting closed with worship.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Rob Spencer, Acting Recording Clerk   /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting Draft Budget - FY 2019
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget Planning Actuals :  FY 2017 Projected : FY 2018 Budget : FY 2018 Draft Proposal : FY 2019
Contributions 24,327 25,486 25,096 25,760
Interest Income 217 357 220 680
Rental income 725 960 800 800
Total Income 25,269 26,803 26,116 27,240
Budget Committee 40 20 20 20
Hospitality 120 170 180 180
Library - 50 175 50
Ministry and Counsel Committee 116 150 80 175
Outreach - Web Site Expense 231 240 240 280
Outreach - Other 125 187 260 260
Peace, Social, & Earthcare Concerns 100 215 450 300
Youth & Religious Education Committee 82 100 300 300
Total Program 814 1,132 1,705 1,565
Building Maintenance 560 600 600 600
Debt Service 3,806 3,806 3,806 3,810
Donation (to town) in Lieu of Taxes 300 300 300 310
Electricity 945 1,158 1,000 1,160
Grounds 49 100 100 100
Insurance 1,576 1,650 1,700 1,800
Replacement Reserve Expense 5,253 5,768 5,411 5,760
Snow Removal 1,895 1,400 2,000 1,900
Supplies - Building & Maintenance 188 150 185 190
Wood Pellets 1,237 1,719 1,300 1,720
Total Property 15,809 16,651 16,402 17,350
AFSC 1,428 1,457 1,457 1,490
Dover Quarterly Meeting 10 10 10 10
FCNL 128 131 131 140
Friends Camp 265 270 270 280
FWCC 56 57 57 60
Interfaith Council 50 50 50 50
NEYM - Equalization Fund 255 260 260 270
NEYM - General Fund 5,408 5,516 5,516 5,630
NH Council of Churches 50 50 50 75
NHCADP 100 100 - 100
Woolman Hill 204 208 208 220
Total Support 7,954 8,109 8,009 8,325
Total Expense 24,577 25,892 25,116 27,240

Prepared by the Budget Committee; presented on First Day, 11th of Third Month 2018; advice and queries are welcome.