CMM 2018-04-15, -22, -29

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Fourth Month 15, 2018

Attending: 8

4.1  Meeting began with worship and reading of a reflection from George Selleck’s “Principles of the Quaker Business Meeting”.

4.2  Budget Committee presented the current Income/Expense statement.  They projected a small surplus for 2017-18.  The Meeting has made a payment of $10,000 to the Oxbow Solar LLC as prepayment for 10 years of electricity.  They have also made the extra $10,000 in laddered investments into the NH Community Loan Fund as instructed by March Meeting for Business, bringing our total investment there to $20,000.  This money is largely our building replacement reserve.  These two investments represent a significant change in our liquid bank account balances.

4.3  2018-19 Proposed Budget:  The Budget Committee presented their 2018-19 proposed budget, incorporating the changes suggested at March Business Meeting.  The Meeting approved this budget.

4.4  Donations:  The question was raised about the possibility of making Meeting donations to other organizations not currently in our budget, for example a capital campaign upcoming for Woolman Hill.  The Meeting has struggled with the thorny question of how much to give as a Meeting, rather than simply encouraging members to make individual contributions to worthy causes.  No decision was made, but this is an discussion we might take up in the future.

4.5  State of Society 2017:  We significantly threshed the State of Society report brought to us by Ministry and Counsel.  Many changes were agreed to.  Heidi agreed to edit the format further and it will be forwarded to the Contact List by Web Clerk early in the week to solicit any further input.  We agreed to have a Called Meeting for Worship to consider the revision at 9:30 a.m., Sunday, April 22.   

We closed with worship.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Ruth Heath, Acting Recording Clerk   /s/ Mark Barker, Presiding Co-Clerk

Minutes of Specially Called Meeting for Worship for Business

Fourth Month 22, 2018

Attending: 11

Meeting began with worship.

4.6  State of Society 2017 (further discernment): The Meeting was in general agreement that the draft of the State of Society report for 2017 is an accurate representation; however, there was the sense that the tone did not express the faithful underpinnings of our activities in their fullness.  A specific change to note that the “2017 Bible Half Hours” should be referred to as the “NEYM 2017 Bible Half Hours” was approved.  The Co-Clerks and interested parties are asked to bring a revised draft to another specially called meeting to be held on April 29th at 9:30 a.m.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Greg Heath, Acting Recording Clerk   /s/ Mark Barker, Presiding Co-Clerk

Minutes of Specially Called Meeting for Worship for Business

Fourth Month 29, 2018

Attending: 5

Meeting began with worship.

4.7  State of Society 2017 (still further discernment): The Meeting approved the draft of the State of Society report for 2017 as presented.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Greg Heath, Acting Recording Clerk   /s/ Mark Barker, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting Budget Planning - FY 2019
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget Planning Actuals :  FY 2017 Actuals :  ’17-06 – ’18-03 Projected : FY 2018 Budget : FY 2018 2nd Draft Proposal : FY 2019 Notes
Contributions 24,327 21,810 25,170 25,096 25,271
Interest Income 217 2 357 220 680
Rental income 725 1,034 1,254 800 1,380 1
Total Income 25,269 22,846 26,781 26,116 27,331
Budget Committee 40 10 20 20 30
Hospitality 120 92 170 180 180
Library - - 50 175 50
Ministry and Counsel Committee 116 88 228 80 175
Outreach - Web Site Expense 231 263 263 240 280
Outreach - Other 125 207 187 260 260
Peace, Social, & Earthcare Concerns 100 215 215 450 300
Youth & Religious Education Committee 82 33 100 300 300
Total Program 814 908 1,233 1,705 1,575
Building Maintenance 560 425 600 600 600
Debt Service 3,806 2,855 3,806 3,806 3,806
Donation (to town) in Lieu of Taxes 300 300 300 300 500 2
Electricity 945 987 1,158 1,000 1,000 3
Grounds 49 50 100 100 100
Insurance 1,576 1,363 1,650 1,700 1,800
Replacement Reserve Expense 5,253 4,510 5,411 5,411 5,760
Snow Removal 1,895 1,445 1,900 2,000 1,900
Supplies - Building & Maintenance 188 75 150 185 190
Wood Pellets 1,237 1,759 1,600 1,300 1,600 4
Total Property 15,809 13,729 16,675 16,402 17,256
AFSC 1,428 1,457 1,457 1,457 1,490
Dover Quarterly Meeting 10   10 10 10
FCNL 128   131 131 140
Friends Camp 265   270 270 280
FWCC 56   57 57 60
Interfaith Council 50 50 50 50 50
NEYM - Equalization Fund 255 260 260 260 275 5
NEYM - General Fund 5,408 4,365 5,516 5,516 5,800 5
NH Council of Churches 50   50 50 75
NHCADP 100 100 100 - 100
Woolman Hill 204 208 208 208 220
Total Support 7,954 6,440 8,109 8,009 8,500
Total Expense 24,577 21,077 26,017 26,116 27,331
Net Income 691 1,769 764 0 0


  1. Rental budget based on expectation for 2 regular rentals only.  If there are full-day rentals, then we will exceed budget.
  2. Donation in Lieu of Taxes budget is up - based on input from Property Committee.  They feel donation should be more than token.
  3. Electricity will be $1,000 per year - based on new solar install agreements with Oxbow Solar LLC.
  4. Wood Pellets year-to-date expense is greater than year-end projection because we accrue the pellets in the bin at the end of the year.
  5. NEYM accounts up 5% per Meeting request with amounts rounded up from that.

Prepared by the Budget Committee; presented on First Day, 15th of Fourth Month 2018; advice and queries are welcome.