CMM 2018-06-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Sixth Month 10, 2018

Attending: 18

Friends gathered with a short period of waiting worship.  The clerk reviewed the minutes of 5th month Meeting for Worship to conduct business.  They were felt to have been faithfully recorded as posted on the website.

6.1  Budget Report:  We received the budget report from the treasurer for the final month of the fiscal year.  It was noted that we came close to the projected budgeted income at the beginning of the year and that the expenses were $25,749.13, which is $1,590.21 less than the income of $27,339.34.  Some discussion of several particulars ensued.  Ways of dealing with desires to amend the budget to meet needs that weren’t anticipated in the 2018-19 approved budget were suggested.  Committees that feel a need for adjustment in their budget lines should be in touch with the budget committee.

6.2  NEYM Annual Sessions Representatives:  Some representatives to 2018 annual sessions of NEYM were appointed.  Others may be appointed at Meeting for Worship with attention to business in 7th month.

6.3  AMTP Land Transfer Celebration:  Friends agreed to try to have a celebration of the land donation from AMTP.  The tentative date of fifth Sunday in July was set and Friends agreed that the ad hoc committee planning the event will be in contact with erikcleven [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Dover%20Quarterly%20Meeting) (Dover Quarterly Meeting clerk) to see if they would like to hold their session here and join us in the celebration.

6.4  Green Burial:  A report about “green burial” possibilities on our new land was received.  The member who brought this report requested an ad hoc committee to do further discernment.  Rob S volunteered to be the convener and others named were Jon H, Bevin T, Mark B and Pat W.

6.5  Property Across From Meeting House:  The Meeting discussed whether we might want to purchase a plot of an acre and a half across the street from us.  This might be a good thing to do for various reasons.  The land across from us is zoned commercial but is too small to be attractive to most businesses so there might be an opportunity to interest the current owner in a partial donation of their property to Meeting.  No clear discernment about this emerged.  Jonah S, Jennifer S and Lucy N will help with the process of exploring this and report back if anything useful is learned.

Meeting concluded with a period of prayer, purposing to meet again on the 8th day of 7th Month, 2018.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Jennifer J. Smith, Recording Clerk   /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Final Income and Expenses as of Fifth Month 31, 2018

(100% of Fiscal Year)
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses 2017-06 — 2018-05 FY 2018 Budget Over/Under Budget % Budget
Contributions $23,109 $25,096 $138 101%
Grants $461 $0 $461 100%
Interest Income $338 $220 $118 154%
Miscellaneous Income - - -  
Rental Income $1,306 $800 $506 163%
Total Income $27,339 $26,116 $1,223 105%
Budget Committee $10 $20 ($10) 50%
Hospitality $186 $180 ($6) 103%
Library - $80 ($80)  
Ministry & Counsel $88 $175 ($87) 50%
Website Expenses $263 $240 $23 110%
Outreach - Other $598 $260 $338 230%
Total Outreach $862 $500 $362 172%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $215 $450 ($235) 48%
Youth & Religious Education $99 $300 ($201) 33%
Total Program $1,459 $1,705 ($246) 86%
Building Maintenance $475 $600 ($125) 797%
Debt Service $3,806 $3,806 - 100%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $300 $300 - 100%
Electricity $1,254 $1,000 $254 125%
Grounds $96 $100 ($4) 96%
Insurance $1,651 $1,700 ($49) 97%
Replacement Reserve Expense $5,412 $5,411 $1 100%
Snow Removal $1,690 $2,000 ($310) 85%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $79 $185 ($106) 43%
Wood Pellets $1,419 $1,300 $119 109%
Total Property $16,181 $16,402 ($221) 99%
AFSC $1,457 $1,457 - 100%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 - 100%
FCNL $131 $131 - 100%
Friends Camp $270 $270 - 100%
FWCC $57 $57 - 100%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 - 100%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $260 $260 - 100%
NEYM - General Fund $5,516 $5,516 - 100%
NHCADP * $100 - $100 100%
NH Council of Churches $50 $50 -  
Woolman Hill $208 $208 - 100%
Total Support $8,109 $8,009 100 101%
Total Expense $25,749 $26,116 ($367) 99%
Net Income $1,590   $1,590

* added to Budget for Fiscal 2018; see Minute 2018.1.3

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding. This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.

Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2018

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Sixth Month 1, 2018
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 6th Month 1, 2018    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $5,729
Money Market 101049498 $6,582
Total Checking/Savings $12,311
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $10,000
Prepaid Expense - Other $64
Prepaid Insurance $1,005
Prepaid Wood Pellets $300
Total Other Current Assets $11,369
Total Current Assets   $23,680
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $20,819
TOTAL ASSETS     $655,354
Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $476
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $3,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,209
Special Projects
Kakamega (Kenya) Orphanage $441
Social Justice Fund $1,800
Total Special Projects $2,241
Total Current Liabilities   $7,926
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $24,332
Replacement Reserve $30,909
Total Long-term Liabilities   $55,240
Total Liabilities     $63,166
Total Equity ‡     $592,188

‡ This was not in the original spreadsheet, but was calculated later.  In future, only Total Equity, without the breakdown detail, will be shown.

NB.  The following was not in the original spreadsheet, but was calculated from data in the spreadsheet.

Do we have the resources to support our obligations? YES

Variable Assets Less Current Liabilties and Replacement Reserve = $5,664

NB. The Balance Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding. This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.

Current Liquidity Available
Total Current Assets $23,680
Total NHCLF Loans $20,819
- Total Current Liabilities ($7,926)
- Replacement Reserve ($30,909)
Total Available: $5,664